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Flextime 1 4 2

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Flextime is an increasingly popular employee benefit. While some of us like to get up bright and early, others prefer working late; giving your employees the freedom to choose what time of the day they prefer to work will provide them a better sense of control over their daily activities. Flextime schedules may be either: 1) Fixed, that is, the employee may start, end, and take a lunch break at the same hours every day; or 2) Variable, that is, the employee may work a varied daily schedule of hours per work week, Flextime schedules may be either: 1) Long-term.

Flex Time Rules

Flex Time Rules allow you to automatically accrue hours into the Flex Time balance when employees work more than a specified number of hours in a day or week. This allows employees to 'bank' these hours for use on later days.

Note: You can change the name from Flex Time to whatever you prefer (for example Comp Time) by simply renaming the Flex Time pay code on the System > Pay Codes page. You will be warned against modifying a built-in pay code, but renaming this will not cause any problems unless you have previously created work flows (such as timesheet exports) that rely on this name.

Flextime 1 4 2

The following rules can be configured:

Flextime 1 4 2 0

Flextime 1 4 2 Player Games

Flextime 1 4 2 0

The following rules can be configured:

Flextime 1 4 2 0

Flextime 1 4 2 Player Games

Flextime 1 4 2 X 4

Flextime 1 4 2 X 2



Daily work hours over Art files 3 2017.

If enabled, then total work hours over this threshold in a single day will result in hours being added to the Flex time balance. The number of hours added depends on the Accrual Rate (see below). For example, if the daily threshold is 8 and the accrual rate is 1.5, then an employee who works 10 hours in one day will have 3.0 hours added to their Flex Time balance.

You can override this daily threshold to specify values for each day of the week, too. For instance, you might specify a threshold of zero for Saturday and Sunday in order that any weekend work adds to the employee's Flex Time balance.

You can cap how many hours over the threshold can contribute to the flex time balance by setting the Maximum Hours value next to each daily threshold. For instance, if the employee works a total of 5 hours over the threshold, but the maximum is 4, then only (4 x Accrual Rate) hours will be added to the Flex Time balance.

Weekly work hours over

If enabled, then total work hours over this threshold in a single week will result in hours being added to the Flex time balance. The number of hours added depends on the Accrual Rate (see below). For example, if the weekly threshold is 40 and the accrual rate is 1.5, then an employee who works 42 hours in one week will have 3.0 hours added to their Flex Time balance.

This rule is processed after any daily rules, so that hours will not be double counted. That is, any daily limits will be processed first, and any hours over the daily limits will not add to the weekly total.

You can cap how many hours over the threshold can contribute to the Flex Time balance by setting the Maximum Hours value next to the weekly threshold. For instance, if the employee works a total of 5 hours over the threshold, but the maximum is 4, then only (4 x Accrual Rate) hours will be added to the Flex Time balance.

Period work hours over

If enabled, then total work hours over this threshold in a timesheet period will result in hours being added to the Flex time balance. The number of hours added depends on the Accrual Rate (see below). For example, if the period threshold is 80 and the accrual rate is 1.5, then an employee who works 82 hours in the timesheet period will have 3.0 hours added to their Flex Time balance.

This rule is processed after any daily and weekly rules, so that hours will not be double counted. That is, any daily and weekly limits will be processed first, and any hours over those limits will not add to the period total. This rule is only useful for timesheet periods that are longer than one week.

You can cap how many hours over the threshold can contribute to the Flex Time balance by setting the Maximum Hours value next to the period threshold. For instance, if the employee works a total of 5 hours over the threshold, but the maximum is 4, then only (4 x Accrual Rate) hours will be added to the Flex Time balance.

Accrual Rate

The multiplicative factor used to determine how many hours will be added to the balance for every work hour over the specified limit. For instance, if the accrual rate is 1.5 and the employee works 2 hours over the limit, then 3.0 hours will be added to the balance. The accrual rate value defaults to 1.0, but can be any positive value.

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